Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Unit 10 Exercise

On the personal assessment, I scored my well being as, psychological-8, physical-5, and spiritual-9 in the previous unit. Having completed this wonderful course, I now score all areas the same except physical which has dropped down a notch to a 4. The other scores have remained the same because I try to take time out for myself daily as we learned a couple of units back. Although I have a very busy life, I have learned to put somethings aside some days or rearrange errands, housework, or other things that occupy my time. I had become aware of my anxiety levels "peaking" again, so I had to reevaluate and adjust. My physical score has dropped because although I am no couch potato, I have not had the time for much physical activity.

My goals were to become more physically active but instead it has been a start and stop routine mainly because it is to hot to work out and I refuse to pay for a gym membership that I more than likely will not use. I am watching my diet, so that is a plus. My goals spiritually and psychologically are to stay where I am and build on that.

I will implement my physical activity again when this semester is over and my schedule is not as hectic and the weather starts to cool down some.

This course has been a wonderful experience. It was very refreshing and a nice change of pace. I don't remember ever having a professor who gave so much encouragement and who was so enthusiastic about the material. I have started to improve my overall well being by remembering to take time for not only physical needs but mental ones as well. I realize this will be a process that will be ongoing.The most difficult part of the course was the blog set up, but once it was going it was a piece of cake and a good way to reflect on my thoughts. This course will only enhance my ability to help others. I try in some way everday to do some kind deed for another person. I believe that is one of the reasons we are here to help one another. I believe as long as I try to be a blessing to someone, I will always be blessed.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Unit 8 Exercise

Of the exercises completed in this course, I have found the loving kindness and meditation exericises to be more beneficial. The loving kindness exercise is the directly related to my personality therefore, it is the easiest for me to relate and practice. I try to daily to show loving kindness to my family, coworkers, and sometimes even strangers. It feels good doing going for others, and in return I believe you recieve your blessings.

Meditation has been the best way for me to relax. I can sit and access my deepest thoughts and emotions, take them apart and put them back together again. Even when I am having a stressful day, I can go to a quiet place and even meditate on the bad things. This gives me a new focus on how to handle problems in the future. As a result of meditation, I can maintain my sense of calmness, and a grip on reality while maintaining my focus on my many tasks at hand.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Unit 7 Exercise

My meditative practice for this week involved reflection. I will be experiencing a major transition over the next couple of weeks as my first born prepares for college. I have been praying for this time in his life, but I wasn't quite prepared for the emotional rollercoaster. He won't be that far away, but I have been stressing about his safety, success in school, and how he will handle the transition from being dependent on mom, to living on his own. I know these are every mother's concern. I reflected on his childhood, and the things I tried to instill in him. My practice of daily talks with God fosters my spiritual wellness as I feel his presence in everything I do. I will continue to apply these practices in my life by remembering what is important and taking time out for me and my family.

"One cannot lead another where one has not gone himself" applies to the health professional as it is difficult to know another person's struggle unless you have had similar experiences yourself. I think I have an obligation to the public I serve to stay psychologically, spiritually, and physically developed. If I look the part, my delivery may be more receptive to the population I am trying to develop. I can implement spirtual and psychological growth by always staying true to myself, my beliefs and my values and most importantly by staying in touch with the inner me. I think knowing who you are is the whole key to happiness and prosperity.

Unit 7 Exercise

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Unit 6

The Loving kindness exercise was difficult to focus on in the beginning, but after a few deep breaths, I was able to focus and concentrate.The exercise made me feel happy to be thinking of others, peaceful, for at least ten minutes, and relaxed. I found myself really "feeling" the statements.

The Integral Assessment was an eye opener. I have been so busy with school, work, kids, that I had put my interpersonal needs on the back burner. I think we prioritize what we need and when we need it. My focus right now is getting my son off to college and completing my degree.. in that order. When I have accomplished these things, I can reevaluate, adjust, and decide which area to conquer next.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Loving Kindness

This exercise focused on loving kindness and the subtle mind exercise. The loving kindness exericise was beneficial and easier as it focued on the inner self and the feelings toward others. I found it easier to concentrate with this exercise because I had one focus and particularly I thought of my brother who is having some health issues. The subtle mind exercise was more difficult, I find it hard to be in complete stillness, or what I like to refer to as being idle even for short periods of time.

I believe spiritual and physical wellness are interconnected. I believe if you are spiritually connected and sound, physcial wellness and health can be achieved. Cleansing of the mind through some spiritual act, such as prayer and faith can bring whole body connection.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Unit 4 Loving Kindness

At the beginning of the exercise, I found it difficult to concentrate and relax, to wired from the day. The sound of waves washing ashore was the most relaxing. I found myself staring into the rainbow of colors lost in thought. I couldn't quite wrap my mind around a loved one's suffering. As the exericise continued, I found myself drifing, becoming tense about completing assignments, struggling with not feeling well, but loving the waves. I also liked envisioning enemies. I don't like to profess them, but sitting quietly gave me power, at least in my thoughts.

A mental workout is accessing the capacities and capabilities of the mind daily. The proven benefits of a mental workout is the progressive development of the consciousness and the power of the mind to heal (Dacher, 2006). Daily I can use mental workouts by exhibiting loving kindness, and training the mind; by learning from experiences to gain wisdom, experience and knowledge.